The Benefits Communication Program

More than 100 police and fire bargaining groups throughout California provide the Benefits Communication Program as an ongoing service to their members. This program, developed by the Benefits Communication Network, recognizes that the very worst time to learn about your benefits is after a claim. When a claim occurs, you and your family should be able to turn to someone you know well – someone you have worked with often – who has years of knowledge and experience in exactly this area.

What Does this Service Provide?

  • A comprehensive benefits booklet, designed especially for your Association, that explains in detail all benefits you are entitled to from every source. BCN will update your booklet on a continuing basis, whenever changes occur through contract negotiations or from changing Federal and State legislation.
  • A personal financial plan, using state-of-the-art proprietary software, that combines exact pension calculations (for any age, percentage or date) with deferred compensation projections, MOU provisions, survivor benefits, Social Security, post-retirement income, and more. Interactive “what-if” analysis, adjusts for critical variables such as pay increases, tax rates, investment returns, retirement dates, income needs, etc. BCN provides each member with a printed report, combining all sources of benefits into a single, comprehensive plan.
  • An ongoing information service, available full-time to answer questions and resolve problems related to your benefits. Questions can range from medical claims, to referrals of workers compensation or legal defense attorneys, to all areas of financial, retirement and estate planning.
  • Comprehensive support during contract negotiations. Working in cooperation with labor attorneys and with the Association labor team, BCN provides new ideas, strategies and tactics, and cost comparisons for existing and desired benefits. Each Association member has a direct voice in the negotiation process and your comments and suggestions are encouraged at all times.
  • A full-time claims service in the event of retirement, disability or death, whether of an Association member or family member. BCN ensures that all benefits are received as soon as possible, regardless of the source of coverage. Your field representative will contact the organizations involved, submit claim forms properly, and explain available options to you and your family. BCN works with your union, with doctors and hospitals, and with workers compensation and legal defense attorneys to speed the claims process.
  • Recommendations from financial and insurance professionals. By working so closely with your membership, BCN attains a thorough knowledge of your existing employee benefits, and can then design your personal programs to fit precisely. BCN stays on top of all changes in your employee benefits, and will be here to advise you long into the future – at retirement and beyond.